
Showing posts from May, 2021

Wind Power (Step By Step Procedure):- A Case Study

      WIND DATA (STEP BY STEP PROCEDURE):- Image Source-Ritesh Raj Stone Column Image Source-Ritesh Raj Plum Concrete (Where required) PCC (M-15 Grade) Bottom Flange Erection (With level as per drawing) Reinforcement (12 mm to 32 mm as per drawing) RCC (M-45 Grade and M-60 Grade) In the M-60 Grade-GGBS also used (JSW Brand) Image Source-Ritesh Raj Used Curing Compound (Concure AB Clear) Top Flange Erection Bitumen Paint applied on all pedestal area Backfilling with layer wise compaction Grouting in top flange (With M-90 Grade BB-90, Brand-Fosroc) Total Flange Nos.=02  Total Bolts=80*2=160 Nos. Image Source-Ritesh Raj Used Admixture- (1.) ACC HP 6517 (2.) ACC HVF 7905(Corrosion) Image Source-Ritesh Raj 10 mm and 20 mm aggregate sources:- Anjar, Nakatrana Water Source-Khavda Sand Source-Mudhan, Kunariya, Ratariya GSB Sourvce-Raytariya, Anjar Required TDS of Water=Below 2000 Required PH of water=6.5 to 8.5 GGBS=Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag IDT=Inverter Duty Tran...

Bulking of Fine Aggregate

  Bulking of Fine Aggregate- Apparatus Required :- (1.) Container (2.) Steel rule (3.) Steel rod of 6mm diameter (4.) Measuring cylinder of 250 ml capacity (5.) Sand sample under test (6.) Observation sheet for record the reading Recent Blog: Specific Gravity of Soil by Pycnometer Method Procedure:- (1.) To start the test, take the measuring cylinder and fill with sand up to 200 ml. graduation mark. (2.) Now, level with steel rule without shaking the cylinder. (3.) Transfer the sample of sand to another container. (4.) Refill the measuring cylinder with water (up to 100 ml.) (5.) Now, pour the sample of sand in measuring cylinder fill with water and stir it well with 6 mm diameter steel rod. So, that it is thoroughly mix with water.  Also Read: Field Dry Density of Soil by Sand Replacement Method (6.) Allow it for settle sometimes. You will be noted that the sand surface is now below its original level (i.e. less than 200 ml.) (7.) Bulking of sand=200-Y /Y*100     ...

Specific Gravity of soil By Pycnometer Method

   Specific Gravity of soil By Pycnometer Method      Image Test Procedure-  (1.) Make sure that the reading on the balance is initially zero after kept a paper. (2.) Weight 200 gm of soil sample. (3.) Now, weight pycnometer (with top) and take the 1st reading (W1). W1=571 gm (4.) Then fill the pycnometer with soil, weight it and take the 2nd reading (W2). W2=774 gm (5.) Now, add water to the soil, till completely  fill the jar. (6.) Then weight the pycnometer (Water +Soil) and take the 3rd reading (W3). Kept the top on jar. W3=1628 gm (7.) Then waste the mixture and refill the pycnometer with water only. (8.) Weight the water with pycnometer and their top and take the 4th reading (W4). W4=1530 gm (9.) Put all these values in this formula.             W2-W1/(W4-W1)-(W3-W2) Where, W1=Empty weight of pycnometer W2=Weight of pycnometer +Soil W3= Weight of pycnometer +Soil +Water W4=Weight of pycnometer +...

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