In this article,I am presenting few important one liner questions with their answers.These questions could be of your great help to crack exams or for your general awareness about civil engineering. Please go through it.I hope it will expand your knowledge.
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(1.) As compared to lime-soda process,
the zeolite process-is costlier
(2.) For sewage disposal in a water body
without any treatment, the minimum available dilution level should be 1 in-500
(3.) The shape factor of structural steel
sections primarily depends on-Cross-section geometry
(4.) An expansive soil is a-Black Cotton Soil
(5.) Which spillway gates cannot be seen
from a distance, when lowered-USBR drum gate
(6.) Usually what is the maximum
permissible ‘Los Angels Abrasion’ value (%) for dense bituminous macadam? -35
(7.) In case of a strong hydraulic jump,
the Froude no. is minimum of-9.0
(8.) A simply supported reinforced cement
concrete beam shall be deemed to be a deep beam, if its effective span to depth
ratio is less than-2.0
(9.) While designing a pile, negative
skin friction is considered when the pile is considered in-Fill material
is the nominal cover to rebar in reinforced cement concrete exposed to very
severe conditions? -50 mm
does the plate load test help in estimating? -Settlement of foundation
horizontal angle that a line makes with the magnetic meridian is called? -Magnetic
per IS:800, what is the maximum allowable effective slenderness ratio for
structural steel that is always under tension? – 400
shall be the minimum effective throat thickness of a fillet weld in case of
structural steel design? -3 mm
reciprocal theorem of Maxwell is valid for structures-Having linear force-displacement
construction project planning, free float can affect-Only that particular activity
(17.) According
to IRC, the minimum grade of cement concrete for highways? -M-40
(18.) Which
type of roller is the most suitable for compacting fatty clay in field? – Sheep
(19.) The
acceptable limit for PH of drinking water-6.5 to 8.5
grade of bitumen is the most suitable for a 7-days maximum average air
temperature of 15oC-VG-10
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dams are designed with the considered of main overturning force as that coming
from-Water Pressure
compression loading, what would the area under the stress-strain curve represents?
-Energy required to cause failure
case of sewer design, on which of the following the velocity of flow does not depends?
-Length of the sewer
fertility of soil starts getting badly imp acted when PH of soil exceeds?
critical path meyhod, when a particular task is performed, it is called? -Activity
(26.) The
miximum width of all vehicle limited by the Indian Roads Congress? -2.5 m
(27.) For
making reinforced cement concrete, the PH of water is restricted to
a minimum of-6
exposed to serve freezing-thawing condition shall be classified as exposed
to-Very Severe
the plasticity index of a soil is 45 %, then the soil will be-With high
surface tangential to the level surface at any point is known as-Horizontal
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term in Bernoulli’s equation for flow through a pipeline represents energy per
unit- Weight
(32.) The
travel time per unit length of road is-Inversely proportional to the speed
case of unconfined aquifer, the specific yield is-less than porosity
as a structural element, resists load by-Tension
FE-500, the numerical digit 500 denotes-Minimum yield strength (In MPa)
(36.)What is the IRC recommended width of a single lane carriageway-3.75 m
(37.)If the coefficient of passive earth pressure is 1/3, then the coefficient of active earth pressure is-3
(38.)The maximum tolerance in a 20 m chain is-+-5mm
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(39.)The headquarter of 'Survey of India' is located at-Dehradun
(40.)Most economical method of sawing wood is-Ordinary Sawing
(41.)A weir, generally used as a spillway of a dam is-Ogee Weir
(42.)The angle of intersection of the horizontal glass and index glass in an optical square is-45 degree
(43.)The line to be measured accurately in a chain survey is-Base Line
(44.)The angle of internal friction of round grained dense sand is about-32 degree to 37 degree
(45.)The critical height in the stability of soil, is the-Maximum height at which it is possible for the sloped bank of soil to be stable
(46.)The compound responsible for initial setting of cement is-Tricalcium Silicate
(47.)If a techeometer is fitted with an anallactic lens, its-Multiplying constant is 100 and additive constant is 0
(48.)Direct ranging is possible only when the end stations are-Mutually intervisible
(49.)The pressure of a liquid measured with the help of a piezometer tube is-Gauge Pressure
(50.)The degree of consolidation is directly proportional -To time and inversely to the square of drainage path
(51.)Widely spaced contours indicate-Flat Surface
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Written By-
Ritesh Raj
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