Wind Power (Step By Step Procedure):- A Case Study

      WIND DATA (STEP BY STEP PROCEDURE):- Image Source-Ritesh Raj Stone Column Image Source-Ritesh Raj Plum Concrete (Where required) PCC (M-15 Grade) Bottom Flange Erection (With level as per drawing) Reinforcement (12 mm to 32 mm as per drawing) RCC (M-45 Grade and M-60 Grade) In the M-60 Grade-GGBS also used (JSW Brand) Image Source-Ritesh Raj Used Curing Compound (Concure AB Clear) Top Flange Erection Bitumen Paint applied on all pedestal area Backfilling with layer wise compaction Grouting in top flange (With M-90 Grade BB-90, Brand-Fosroc) Total Flange Nos.=02  Total Bolts=80*2=160 Nos. Image Source-Ritesh Raj Used Admixture- (1.) ACC HP 6517 (2.) ACC HVF 7905(Corrosion) Image Source-Ritesh Raj 10 mm and 20 mm aggregate sources:- Anjar, Nakatrana Water Source-Khavda Sand Source-Mudhan, Kunariya, Ratariya GSB Sourvce-Raytariya, Anjar Required TDS of Water=Below 2000 Required PH of water=6.5 to 8.5 GGBS=Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag IDT=Inverter Duty Tran...

Important One Liner Questions With Their Answers, Part 7

In this article,I am presenting few important one liner questions with their answers.These questions could be of your great help to crack exams or for your general awareness about civil engineering. Please go through it.I hope it will expand your knowledge.


(1.) Closely spaced contours is called-Steep Ground

(2.) Irregular contours is called-Uneven Surface

(3.) Contours meeting at point is called-Cliff

(4.) The flow in wash basin is called-Free vortex

(5.) The decrease in voids ratio per unit increase of pressure is called-Co-efficient of compressibility

(6.) Which paint is highly resistant of fire is called-Asbestos Paint

(7.) According to IS code the total settlement of isolated footings for cohesive soil should be-65 mm

(8.) The method of leveling in which the heights of mountain are found by observing the temperature at which water boils is known as-Hypsometry

(9.) The water content of soils can be accurately determined by-Oven drying method

(10.) The instrument used for reducing a plan is known as-Pantograph


(11.) The point on which both foresight and back sights are taken is-Change Point

(12.) The presence of dampness while applying the primer affects the life of-Oil Paint

(13.) A soil is said to be of medium size if the uniformity coefficient is-Between 5 to 10

(14.) A static cone penetration test is usually conducted when the structure is likely to be founded on-Pile Foundation 

(15.) The oldest path of exogenous tree is called-Pith

(16.) While doing leveling  in undulating terrain it is preferable to set the level on-One side of the slope

(17.) The expansion in Portland cement can be tested by-Soundness Test

(18.) The method of surveying in which field work and plotting work are done simultaneously is called-Plane tabling

(19.) In route surveys the most suitable method of contouring is-By cross-sections

(20.) Painting work is generally specified by-Area of the painted surface


(21.) Varnish is generally made of-Both solvent and resin

(22.) The rapid hardening portland cement is obtained by-Grinding the clinker to a high degree of fineness  

(23.) In a triaxial test when the drainage is allowed initially only and not during letter stage, the test is known as-Consolidated undrained test

(24.) Where the flow in an open channel is gradually varied, the flow is said to be?-Steady non-uniform flow

(25.) The constituent which imparts colour to cement is-Iron oxide

(26.) The defect caused by imperfect seasoning is called-Honeycombing

(27.) Theory of errors and adjustments deals with minimizing the effects of-Personal and accidental errors

(28.) In order to measure the flow with a venturimeter, it is installed in-Any direction and in any location

(29.) The property of soil which permits the seepage of water is known as-Permeability

(30.) The process of taking out stones of various size from natural rock is known as-Quarrying


(31.) Ultimate bearing capacity of soil is the-Maximum gross pressure at which soils fails in shear

(32.) The method of plane tabling commonly used for establishing the instrument stations only-method of resection

(33.) Which paint is shines and visible even in darkness-Aluminium Paint

(34.) Method of square is suitable for contouring -Plains

(35.) A flow whose streamline is represented by a curve is called-Two-dimensional flow

(36.) Surveys which are carried out to depict mountains, rivers, water bodies, wooded areas and other cultural details, are known as-Togographical surveys

(37.) The Thomson's turbine is-an inward flow reaction turbine

(38.) When a water content in a soil is reduced beyond the shrinkage limit,the soil will be in a?-Solid state

(39.) For railway ballast, the stone should be-Hard, tough, resistant to abrasion and durable

(40.) Talus-Soil transported by gravity

         Till-Soil transported by glaciers

         Loess-Soil transported by wind

         Lacustrine deposit-Soil deposited by lake bed


(41.) The dressing of stone is done-Immediately after quarrying

(42.) The line joining the points having the same elevation above the datum surface, is called-Contour Line

(43.) The combined effect of permeability and compressibility of a soil on the rate of volume change is given by-Coefficient of consolidation

(44.) Which sedimentary rocks change into quartzite by metamorphic action?-Sand Stone

(45.) The velocity of the liquid flowing through the divergent portion of a venturimrter is-decreases

(46.) The contour lines can cross one another on map only in the case of-An overhanging cliff

(47.) In open channels, the specific energy is-Total energy measured with respect to the datum passing through the bottom of the channel

(48.) Spirit varnish consists of-Spirit and shellac

(49.) The small area on painted surface enclosed by hair line cracks are known as-Wrinkling

(50.) The rate of super plastisizer in a cement paste is to- Disperse the particles

(51.) The stone suitable for rubble masonary should be-Hard


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Written By- 
Ritesh Raj


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