Important Points SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) During the Inspection of RCC NP4 Pipes

Important Points SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) During the Inspection of RCC NP4 Pipes: -    Image-Hydro Test (Photo Credit: Ritesh Raj) (1.) Firstly, approved QAP will be checked.  (2.) ID marks should be marked on the inner and outer sides of pipes.  Image-ID Mark (Photo Credit: Ritesh Raj)  (3.) To check the inner and outer diameter of pipes.   (4.) Smooth finishing and before dispatch of RCC pipes cement slurry or grouting where required.   (5.) Load test is required for RCC pipes as per IS codes. It is different for each dia, of RCC pipes.  Image-Plate Load Test (Photo Credit: Ritesh Raj)   (6.) Concrete mix design checked and in which cement content, cement brand, and water-cement ratio should be checked.  (7.) The straightness test to be checked of RCC pipes through the straightness rods to collinear visible.   (8.) As per requirement 2% of hydro tests are to be checked as IS:458 of the total ordered quantity.  Image-Hydro Test (Pressure Release) (Photo Credit: Ritesh Raj)  

Important One Liner Questions With Their Answers, Part 11


In this article,I am presenting few important one liner questions with their answers, Part-11.These questions could be of your great help to crack exams or for your general awareness about civil engineering. Please go through it.I hope it will expand your knowledge.

(1.) A line which contains high % of calcium oxide is generally called-Fat Lime

(2.) The minimum width of septic tank is taken-75 cm

(3.) Anti-siphonage pipe  is connected to-Top of P-trap w.c.

(4.) The distance between steps for measuring downhill to obtain better accuracy-Decreases with increase of slope

(5.) An angle of 45 degree with a chain line may be set out with-French cross staff

(6.) The surface of zero elevation around the earth, which is slightly irregular and curved is known as-Geoid surface

(7.) The imaginary line passing through the intersection of cross hairs and the optical center of the objective is known as-Line of collimation geoid

(8.) The sensitiveness of a level tube decreases if-Both viscosity and surface tension are increased

(9.) The rise and fall method of reduction of levels, provides a check on-Both backsight and foresight

(10.) The coefficient of compressibility of soil, is the ratio-Strain to stress


(11.) If 'w' is the specific weight of liquid and 'h' the depth of any point from the surface, then pressure intensity at that point will be-wh

(12.) Unit of kinematic viscosity-Stoke

(13.) A liquid would wet the solid, if adhesion force as compared to cohesion forces are-More

(14.) The intensity of irrigation means-Percentage of culturable commanded area to be irrigation annually

(15.) A material is said to be perfectly elastic if-The regains its original shape on removal of the load

(16.) The ratio of shear stress to shear strain of an elastic material is-Both modulus of rigidity and shear modulus

(17.) The point of contraflexure is that point where-B.M. changes sign

(18.) The entrained air in concrete-Increases workability

(19.) The maximum % of chemical ingredient of cement is that of-Lime

(20.) Efflorescence in cement is caused due to an excess of-Alkalis


(21.) Los angles machines is used to test the aggregate for-Abrasion resistance

(22.) A bull nose brick is not used for-Arches

(23.) A flat slab is supported-On columns monolithcally built with slab

(24.)  Thickened part of a supporting column of a flat slab is technically known as-Drop Panel

(25.) Enlarged head of a supporting column of a flat slab is technically known as-Capital

(26.) The diameter of the column head support a flat slab, is generally kept-0.25 times the span length

(27.) Drop load includes -Self-weight of the structure and super-imposed loads permanently attached to the structure

(28.) Cold driven rivets range from-12 to 22 mm in diameter

(29.) The distance measured along one rivet line from the center of a rivet to the center of adjoining rivet on an adjacent parallel rivet line is called-Staggered Pitch

(30.) When two plates are placed end to end and are joined by two cover plates, the joint is known as-Double cover butt joint


(31.) Gunter's chain is also known as-Surveyor's chain

(32.) ''Vee-Bee'' consistometer is used to find-Workability of concrete

(33.) Timber can be made reasonably  fire-resistant by-Seasoning Process

(34.) A real fluid in which the shear stress is proportional to the rate of shear strain is known as-Newtonian Fluid

(35.) A specific varying from 8.5 to 30 in turbine is classified as-Pelton Wheel

(36.) Borda's mouthpiece is also known as-Re-entrant

(37.) The effective length of battened columns should be increased by-10%

(38.) In the process of brick manufacturing, the pug mill is used in-Tempering

(39.) To get a well conditioned triangle, no angle should be less than-30 degree

(40.) Which device is used for measuring the rate of flow of a fluid through a pipe?-Venturimeter


(41.) Which type of door is suitable for continuous heavy rush of traffic persists?-Revolving door

(42.) The total latitudes and departure of any point with respect to a common origin is called as-Independent co-ordinates

(43.) The ratio of the mass of a fluid to its volume is known as-Mass density

(44.) The flow at which depth is greater than the critical depth is known as-Subcritical flow

(45.) The cross slope of pavement surface adopted in macadam road is-1 in 36

(46.) The value of Fe-500 steel is-0.46


(47.) The sharpness of the curve is designated by its-Degree of curvature

(48.) The line of sight generates a vertical plane when-Horizontal axis is perpendicular to vertical axis

(49.) The crystallization test is performed on stones to find out its-Durability

(50.) The sky lights are usually provided for-Sloping surface of the pitched roof

(51.)The distance between bottom of the bridges super structure and H.F.L. is known as-Sluice Level                                                                          

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Written By-
Ritesh Raj
Email Id-rajritesh.motiharirr@gmail.


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