Important Points SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) During the Inspection of RCC NP4 Pipes

Important Points SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) During the Inspection of RCC NP4 Pipes: -    Image-Hydro Test (Photo Credit: Ritesh Raj) (1.) Firstly, approved QAP will be checked.  (2.) ID marks should be marked on the inner and outer sides of pipes.  Image-ID Mark (Photo Credit: Ritesh Raj)  (3.) To check the inner and outer diameter of pipes.   (4.) Smooth finishing and before dispatch of RCC pipes cement slurry or grouting where required.   (5.) Load test is required for RCC pipes as per IS codes. It is different for each dia, of RCC pipes.  Image-Plate Load Test (Photo Credit: Ritesh Raj)   (6.) Concrete mix design checked and in which cement content, cement brand, and water-cement ratio should be checked.  (7.) The straightness test to be checked of RCC pipes through the straightness rods to collinear visible.   (8.) As per requirement 2% of hydro tests are to be checked as IS:458 of the total ordered quantity.  Image-Hydro Test (Pressure Release) (Photo Credit: Ritesh Raj)  

Important One Liner Questions With Their Answers, Part 10


In this article,I am presenting few important one liner questions with their answers, Part-10.These questions could be of your great help to crack exams or for your general awareness about civil engineering. Please go through it.I hope it will expand your knowledge.

(1.) The operation of removal of impurities of clay adhering to iron ore is known as-dressing

(2.) The specific surface expressed in square cm gm of a good portland cement should not be less than-2250

(3.) The explosive for blasting is usually expressed in terms of-Kilogram

(4.) The life of teakwood doors and windows is usually taken to be-40 years

(5.) The construction of structures under water, the type of lime used is-Hydraulic Lime

(6.) The compound of portland cement which reacts immediately with water and also sets first is-Tri-calcium aluminate

(7.) Rapid hardening cement attains early strength due to-Larger proportion of lime grounded finer than normal cement

(8.) The percentage of water for normal consistency is-15% to 25%

(9.) Soundness test of cement determines-Quality of free lime

(10.) Bulking of sand is caused due to-Surface moisture

(11.) For the manufacture of plywood, veneers are placed so that grains of adjacent veneers are-at right angles

(12.) The portion of the brick without a triangular corner equal to half the width and half the length is called-King closer

(13.) The height of the sink of wash basin above floor level is kept-75 cm to 80 cm

(14.) In order to check-up the average depth of excavation, 'Dead mans' are left at the mid-width of borrow pits

(15.)The earthwork calculation in excavation is-made from the difference in levels obtained with a level

(16.) For 100 squ. m cement concrete(1:2:4), 4 cm thick floor, the quantity of cement required is-0.94 cum

(17.) If 'H' is the difference in height between end points of a chain of length 'L' the required slope correction is-H2/2L

(18.) Correction per chain length of 100 links along a slope of a radian is-100 alpha

(19.) Check lines (or proof lines) in chain surveying are essentially required-To indicate the accuracy of the survey work

(20.) For taking offsets with an optical square on the right hand side of the chain line it is held-by left hand upright


(21.) In an adjusted level when the bubble is central, the axis of the bubble tube becomes parallel to-Line of sight

(22.) The constant vertical distance between two adjacent contours is called-Contour interval 

(23.) The direction of steepest slope on a counter is-at right angle of the contour 

(24.) Alcohol is used in manometer, because-its vapour pressure is low

(25.) The property of fluid by virtue of which it offers resistance to shear is called-Viscosity

(26.) The unit of kinematic viscosity is-m2/sec

(27.) Metacentric height is given as the distance between-the C.G. of the body and the metacentre

(28.) The difference of pressure between the inside and outside of a liquid drop is-P=2T/r

(29.) The property by which a liquid opposes relative motive between its different layers is called-Surface tension

(30.) The atmospheric pressure with rise in altitude decreases-first slowly then steeply


(31.) Flow meters based on obstruction principle like orifice plates can be used with Reynold,s number up to approximately-2000

(32.) According to recommendations of Nagpur conference the width formation of an ideal Nagpur highway in hard rock cutting is-7.9 m

(33.) If 'L' is the length of a rail and 'R' is the radius of a curve, the versine 'h' for the curve is-H=L2/8R

(34.) At yield point of a test piece, the material-undergoes plastic deformation


(35.) The locus of the M.I. about inclined axis to the principal axis is-ellipse

(36.) The ratio of M.I. of a triangular section about its base and about a centroidal axis parallel to its base is-3

(37.) For the construction of thin R.C.C. structures the type of cement to be avoided is-blast furnace slag cement

(38.) Percentage of pozzolanic material containing clay upto 80% used for the manufacture of pozzolana cement is-30 %

(39.) Sand generally contains salt if it is obtained salt if it is obtained from-sea beds

(40.) If fineness modulus of sand is 2.5, it is graded as-Fine sand 

(41.) The pitch of the main bars in a simply supported  slab should not exceed its effective depth by-Six Times

(42.) For M-15 grade concrete (1:2:4) the moment of resistance factor is-8.5

(43.) If the thickness of a structural member is small as compared to its length and width, it is classified as-two dimensional

(44.) Design of a riveted joint assumes that-the riveted hole is to be filled by the rivet

(45.) Rolled steel T-sections are used-with flat strips to connect plates in steel rectangular tanks

(46.) With a % increase of carbon in steel, decreases its-Ductility


(47.) The rivets which are heated and then driven in the field are known-Power driven field rivets

(48.) The gross diameter of a rivet is the diameter of-rivet after driving

(49.) Rocks formed due to alteration of original structure due to heat and excessive pressure are called-Metamorphic rocks

(50.) Granite mainly composed of quartz and felsper particles is obtained from-Igneous rocks

(51.) A pug mill is used for-Tempering brick earth


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Written By-
Ritesh Raj



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