Wind Power (Step By Step Procedure):- A Case Study

      WIND DATA (STEP BY STEP PROCEDURE):- Image Source-Ritesh Raj Stone Column Image Source-Ritesh Raj Plum Concrete (Where required) PCC (M-15 Grade) Bottom Flange Erection (With level as per drawing) Reinforcement (12 mm to 32 mm as per drawing) RCC (M-45 Grade and M-60 Grade) In the M-60 Grade-GGBS also used (JSW Brand) Image Source-Ritesh Raj Used Curing Compound (Concure AB Clear) Top Flange Erection Bitumen Paint applied on all pedestal area Backfilling with layer wise compaction Grouting in top flange (With M-90 Grade BB-90, Brand-Fosroc) Total Flange Nos.=02  Total Bolts=80*2=160 Nos. Image Source-Ritesh Raj Used Admixture- (1.) ACC HP 6517 (2.) ACC HVF 7905(Corrosion) Image Source-Ritesh Raj 10 mm and 20 mm aggregate sources:- Anjar, Nakatrana Water Source-Khavda Sand Source-Mudhan, Kunariya, Ratariya GSB Sourvce-Raytariya, Anjar Required TDS of Water=Below 2000 Required PH of water=6.5 to 8.5 GGBS=Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag IDT=Inverter Duty Tran...

Important One Liner Question With Answers, Part 4

I am presenting here most important (mixed topic) one liner questions with their answer from civil engineering, in which most are asked in various competitive examinations. Please go through it. 


     (1.)  The most commonly used base for timber painting-White Lead

     (2.)  The most used fire resistant paint-Asbestos Paint

     (3.)  For a good building stone, its specific gravity should be greater than-2.7

     (4.)  The real image of an objects formed by the objective must lie-in the plane of cross hairs

    (5.)  Which method is used for the preparation of a contour plan for a route survey? -Method of cross hairs

   (6.)  Which method is used for the preparation of a contour plan for a route survey-Method of cross profile
    (7.)  If a tachometer is fitted with an analectic lens, then-the multiplying constant is 100, the additive constant is zero

     (8.)  In which method of surveying, do both the field observation and plotting proceed simultaneously-Plane table surveying
     (9.)  The least count of prismatic compass is-15’

    (10.) Which method of theodolite traversing is suitable for locating the details which are far away from transit station? -Measuring angle to the point from at least two station

     (11.) A closed contour line with two or more higher contours inside it will represents-Hill

   (12.) In a wet soil mass, air occupies one-sixth of its volume and water occupies one-third of its volume. The void ratio of the soil is-1

    (13.)For a given sandy soil whose soil grains are spherical in shape and of uniform size the theoretical void ratio is-0.91

   (14.) In a shear test on cohesion less soils, if the initial void is less than the critical void ratio, the sample will-Initially decrease and then increases in volume


    (15.)If the permeability of a soil is 0.8 mm/sec, the type of soil is 0.8 mm/sec, the type of soil is-Sand

    (16.)Coefficient of consolidation for clays normally-Decreases with increase in liquid limit
    (17.) Soils in increasing order of surface area-Sand, Silt, Clay, Colloids

    (18.) Specific gravity of sand-2.6

    (19.) You are given a sample of soil containing coarse grains to determine its water content. What will you use for the purpose? – Pycnometer

    (20.)In a centrifugal pump casing, the flow of water leaving the impeller, is-Free Vortex motion

    (21.)Manning’s formula is used for-Head loss due to friction in open channels

    (22.) The velocity distribution of viscous fluid through a pipe is- Parabolic
    (23.)The side slope of Cipolletti weir is generally kept-1 to 4

    (24.) Dimension of angular Velocity-T-1

    (25.)Dimension of angular Acceleration-T-2
    (26.) Dimension of dischare-L3T-1

    (27.)Dimension of kinematic viscosity-L2T-1

    (28.) Human blood and toothpaste is an example of-Non-Newtonian flow

   (29.)The horse power transmitted through a pipe is maximum when the ratio of loss of head due to friction to the total head supplied is-1/3
   (30.) The critical state of flow through a channel section may be defined as the state of flow at which the-discharge is maximum for a given specific force
    (31.) The maximum permissible limit for fluoride in drinking water is-1.5 mg/l
    (32.) Disinfection of water results in-killing of diseases bacteria

    (33.) The most commonly used sewer under culverts-Circular brick sewer

    (34.) Dechlorination of water is achieved by adding-Sodium Thiosulphate

    (35.) Biological action processes takes place in-Trickling filters

    (36.) Which filters will produce water of higher bacteriological quality-Dual media filter

    (37.) When waste water is disposed off into a running stream, four zones are formed. In which zone will the minimum level of dissolved oxygen be found-Zone of active decomposition

    (38.) In sewers designed with self-cleaning velocity-Neither silting nor scouring occurs at the bottom
    (39.) The PH value of fresh sewage is usually-Less than 7

    (40.)  The laying of sewers is done with-Level

    (41.)  Fresh sewage is generally-Alkaline

    (42.)  The time required for artificial seasoning of timber is-10 to 15 days

    (43.)  Benefits of irrigation is-Canal plantation

    (44.) Criteria for a well-conditioned triangle is-No angle should be less than 300

    (45.) A flat platform at the head of a series of steps is known as-Landing

    (46.) Which types of bearing generally supports needle of prismatic compass ?-Jewel bearing

   (47.) Of the quantity of water available in the biosphere, the % of fresh(potable) water available is about-2.7

    (48.)Which stage of river is most suitable location of a canal head work?-Trough stage of the river

     (49.) Consistency of stiff soil in CI values-1.00 to 0.75

   (50.) Positions of cross hairs of telescope in surveying is-much closer to the eye piece than to the objective lens

     (51.)  Hydro graph is a graphical relation of-Runoff and time

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Written By- 
Ritesh Raj


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