I am presenting here most important (mixed topic) one liner questions with their answer from civil engineering, in which most are asked in various competitive examinations. Please go through it.
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(1.) The most commonly used base for
timber painting-White Lead
(2.) The most used fire resistant
paint-Asbestos Paint
(3.) For a good building stone, its
specific gravity should be greater than-2.7
(4.) The real image of an objects formed
by the objective must lie-in the plane of cross hairs
(5.) Which method is used for the preparation
of a contour plan for a route survey? -Method of cross hairs
(6.) Which method is used for the
preparation of a contour plan for a route survey-Method of cross profile
(7.) If a tachometer is fitted with an analectic
lens, then-the multiplying constant is 100, the additive constant is zero
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(8.) In which method of surveying, do
both the field observation and plotting proceed simultaneously-Plane table
(9.) The least count of prismatic compass
(10.) Which
method of theodolite traversing is suitable for locating the details which are
far away from transit station? -Measuring angle to the point from at least two
(11.) A
closed contour line with two or more higher contours inside it will represents-Hill
(12.) In
a wet soil mass, air occupies one-sixth of its volume and water occupies
one-third of its volume. The void ratio of the soil is-1
a given sandy soil whose soil grains are spherical in shape and of uniform size
the theoretical void ratio is-0.91
(14.) In
a shear test on cohesion less soils, if the initial void is less than the critical
void ratio, the sample will-Initially decrease and then increases in volume
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the permeability of a soil is 0.8 mm/sec, the type of soil is 0.8 mm/sec, the
type of soil is-Sand
of consolidation for clays normally-Decreases with increase in liquid limit
(17.) Soils
in increasing order of surface area-Sand, Silt, Clay, Colloids
(18.) Specific
gravity of sand-2.6
(19.) You
are given a sample of soil containing coarse grains to determine its water
content. What will you use for the purpose? – Pycnometer
a centrifugal pump casing, the flow of water leaving the impeller, is-Free
Vortex motion
formula is used for-Head loss due to friction in open channels
(22.) The
velocity distribution of viscous fluid through a pipe is- Parabolic
side slope of Cipolletti weir is generally kept-1 to 4
(24.) Dimension
of angular Velocity-T-1
of angular Acceleration-T-2
(26.) Dimension
of dischare-L3T-1
of kinematic viscosity-L2T-1
(28.) Human
blood and toothpaste is an example of-Non-Newtonian flow
horse power transmitted through a pipe is maximum when the ratio of loss of
head due to friction to the total head supplied is-1/3
(30.) The
critical state of flow through a channel section may be defined as the state of
flow at which the-discharge is maximum for a given specific force
(31.) The
maximum permissible limit for fluoride in drinking water is-1.5 mg/l
(32.) Disinfection
of water results in-killing of diseases bacteria
(33.) The
most commonly used sewer under culverts-Circular brick sewer
(34.) Dechlorination
of water is achieved by adding-Sodium Thiosulphate
(35.) Biological
action processes takes place in-Trickling filters
(36.) Which
filters will produce water of higher bacteriological quality-Dual media filter
(37.) When
waste water is disposed off into a running stream, four zones are formed. In
which zone will the minimum level of dissolved oxygen be found-Zone of active
(38.) In
sewers designed with self-cleaning velocity-Neither silting nor scouring occurs
at the bottom
(39.) The
PH value of fresh sewage is usually-Less than 7
(40.) The
laying of sewers is done with-Level
(41.) Fresh
sewage is generally-Alkaline
(42.) The
time required for artificial seasoning of timber is-10 to 15 days
(43.) Benefits
of irrigation is-Canal plantation
(44.) Criteria
for a well-conditioned triangle is-No angle should be less than 300
(45.) A
flat platform at the head of a series of steps is known as-Landing
(46.) Which
types of bearing generally supports needle of prismatic compass ?-Jewel bearing
(47.) Of
the quantity of water available in the biosphere, the % of fresh(potable) water
available is about-2.7
stage of river is most suitable location of a canal head work?-Trough stage of
the river
(49.) Consistency
of stiff soil in CI values-1.00 to 0.75
(50.) Positions
of cross hairs of telescope in surveying is-much closer to the eye piece than
to the objective lens
(51.) Hydro graph
is a graphical relation of-Runoff and time
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Written By-
Ritesh Raj
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