Wind Power (Step By Step Procedure):- A Case Study

      WIND DATA (STEP BY STEP PROCEDURE):- Image Source-Ritesh Raj Stone Column Image Source-Ritesh Raj Plum Concrete (Where required) PCC (M-15 Grade) Bottom Flange Erection (With level as per drawing) Reinforcement (12 mm to 32 mm as per drawing) RCC (M-45 Grade and M-60 Grade) In the M-60 Grade-GGBS also used (JSW Brand) Image Source-Ritesh Raj Used Curing Compound (Concure AB Clear) Top Flange Erection Bitumen Paint applied on all pedestal area Backfilling with layer wise compaction Grouting in top flange (With M-90 Grade BB-90, Brand-Fosroc) Total Flange Nos.=02  Total Bolts=80*2=160 Nos. Image Source-Ritesh Raj Used Admixture- (1.) ACC HP 6517 (2.) ACC HVF 7905(Corrosion) Image Source-Ritesh Raj 10 mm and 20 mm aggregate sources:- Anjar, Nakatrana Water Source-Khavda Sand Source-Mudhan, Kunariya, Ratariya GSB Sourvce-Raytariya, Anjar Required TDS of Water=Below 2000 Required PH of water=6.5 to 8.5 GGBS=Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag IDT=Inverter Duty Tran...

"Description of Plywood"


Now a day’s forest area is reduced continuously and we are facing more scarcity for timber. In this situation, new engineering material plywood is introduced. For construction purpose, furniture purpose, for decorative ideas timber is playing with a vital role in present scenario.

Thin layers of plies of veneers is joint to each other with the help of glues, is known as plywood.It can easily shown the corners of plywood or the cross-section of the plywood.Different types of plywood is available in market, in which some are thinner and some are thick. Some have lower quality and some have better quality.


Types of Plywood:-

     (1.)  Flexible Plywood

     (2.)  Hardwood Plywood

     (3.)  Softwood Plywood

     (4.)  Decorative Plywood

     (5.)  Commercial Plywood

     (6.)  BWR Plywood

     (7.)  Tropical Plywood

     (8.)  Aircraft Plywood

     (9.)  Marine Plywood

Recent Post:Sewer Network Analysis                       

    Sizes of Plywood:-

In market, various size of plywood is available, in which some are following:-

Sl. No.
Sizes of Plywood       
(in Squ mtr.)                         
Sizes of Plywood     (in Squ Ft.)
2.44 X 1.22
  8’X  4’
4 mm
2.12 X 1.22
 7’ X 4
6 mm
1.84 X 1.22
 6’ X 4’
 9 mm
2.44 X 0.92
  8’ X 3’
12 mm
2.14 X 0.92
  7’ X 3’
16 mm
1.84 X 0.92
 6’ X 3’
19 mm


Uses of Plywood:-

(1.) Plywood is used during shuttering of slab, beam, wall etc.

(2.) To making the concrete formwork

(3.) To make the furniture items like as cupboard, Shelves etc.

(4.) To make the temporary pathway

(5.) To make the auditorium floor and temporary staging


(6.) Musical instruments

(7.) For making of sport goods

(8.) To make the different types of panel like as structural panel, concrete base panel etc.

(9.) To make the scaffolding material

(10.) For partition of any places


Also Read:Description of formwork

Properties of Plywood:-

     (1.)  Water and chemical resistance

     (2.)  Low cost as compare to wood/timber

     (3.)  Better dimensional  stability as compare to timber.

     (4.)  High strength provided, so used for multiple purposes.

     (5.)  It has light weight as compare to timber.


     (6.)  Better appearance as compare to timber.

     (7.)  It is flexible. So, it is easily fit as our requirement.

     (8.)  High impact resistance

     (9.)  Sound insulation

    (10.) Good Strength

    (11.) No shrinking and warping

    (12.) It is environmental friendly. So, its reduce the uses of timber.

    (13.) In construction it is repetitive times uses.

     Grade of Plywood:-

 Many grades of plywood are used in various purposes:-
 A, A/B, A/BB, B, B/BB, BB, C/D, WG, X, WBP, BB/CC

 Application of Plywood:-

Plywood has huge application. In which some are following :-

(1.)  To make the doors, windows.

(2.)  It is applicable for interior or exterior designing

(3.)  It is applicable for floor.

(4.)  To make the panel and frames for different purposes.

(5.)  For interior and exterior staircase making plywood is also applicable.

(6.)  To make cross bracing, rigid frames it is also utilized.

(7.)  For packing purposes like as heavy machinery items, heavy cables plywood is also used for making that frames.



    (1.)  Some plywood is plastic coated known as water proofing, they are more useful to make almirah,  wardrobe and other which is always contact with wall. In the case of dampness occurs on that place, water proofing plywood prevent that section.

    (2.)  In the marine and aviation application are also using plywood.

    (3.)  Some plywood is fire-resistance.

    (4.)  A good advantage of plywood is it’s never expand or contract. So, protect the item which is made  from plywood.   

    (5.)  Plywood density is lies between 460-680 kg /m3.

   Also Read:Description of Brick

     Manufacturing Companies of Plywood:-

    (1.) Century Plywood

    (2.) Green Plywood

    (3.) Timex Plywood

    (4.) Anchor Plywood

    (5.) Neelam Plywood

    (6.) Western India Plywood

    (7.) Marino Plywood

    (8.) National Plywood

      Plywood related IS codes:-

      (1.) IS 4412

      (2.) IS 303

      (3.) IS 1734

      (4.) IS 4990

  Thanks for visiting this site.

Written By- 
Ritesh Raj


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