technical name of wood is known as “timber”. It is used as a construction
material like as for the construction of battens, posts, beams, planks and
rafter. Timber has required minimum size for use. After finishing it is used for the
construction purpose and also used for industry. Timber is also known as
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can easily see the historical places, old bridges, timber cooling towers (which
is used in power plants and other plants) and old very ancient temples are made
from wooden part and timber is play an important role for built these
Classification of Timber:-
Timber- (Outward Growth)-Example-Conifer, Pine, Fir, Teak etc.
Timber-(Inward Growth)-Example-Bamboo, Cane, Palm etc.
Recent Post:Modern Indian Construction
Categories of Timber:-
(1.) Deodar
(2.) Sisham
(3.) Teak
(4.) Sagwan
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(5.) Sakhua
(6.) Mango
(7.) Jack
(8.) Bamboo
(9.) Laminated
(10.) Mahogany
(11.) Sandle Wood
(12.) Cherry
(13.) Pine wood
(14.) Tulip wood
Advantage of
(1.) It
is used for window, door, roof , floor making because it can easily converted
into required shape and size.
(2.) It
is used as a columns, beams, bracing because it has a good strength and also
good better bearing capacity.
(3.) It
is used for shoring, shuttering and scaffolding material.
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Properties of Good Timber:-
(1.) It
has uniform colour.
(2.) Its
grain will very close.
(3.) It
will hard and more durable.
(4.) It
has higher fire resistance.
(5.) It
will free from defects like as cracks, knots, shakes etc.
(6.) Its
density will high.
(7.) Its
corner will even.
(8.) When
it will cut, have a uniform colour shown.
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Seasoning of Timber:-
process in which reduce the moisture in freshly cut tree from different procedure is known as seasoning of timber.
Benefits of Seasoning:-
(1.) After
seasoning of timber it will ready for paint application.
(2.) After
seasoning durability of timber is increases and timer is more protecting from
fungi, insects and worms.
(3.) After
seasoning it is suitable for gluing.
(4.) If
it is used for fuel, it will burn easily.
(5.) Decrease
the weight
(6.) Make
it more workable.
(7.) Receive
more strength and hardness
(8.) Reduce
cracking and warping
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Method of Seasoning:-
Mainly two method of seasoning is followed:-
(1.) Natural Seasoning--------
(a.)Air Seasoning
(b.) Water Seasoning
(2.) Artificial Seasoning------
(b.)Kiln Seasoning
(c.)Chemical Seasoning
(d.)Electrical Seasoning
Advantage of natural Seasoning:-
(1.) In
this process reduce the moisture of timber from naturally.
(2.) It
requires very low cost.
(3.) It
does not require skilled labour.
Disadvantage of natural
progress is very slow. So, take more time.
space is required for this seasoning.
will not too reduce as required.
and fungi attack is occur always.
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Advantage of Artificial
(1.) Moisture
content will reach up to required level.
(2.) It
is economical, because its drying process is very fast.
(3.) More
suitable for painting.
(4.) Fungi
and insects attack is less.
cracks and warping is minimum
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Disadvantage of Artificial
(1.) Skilled
supervision is required for artificial seasoning.
(2.) For
this seasoning, high investment or involvement is required.
(3.) Its
demand is low.
Wooden Batten:-
At construction site, during shuttering of beams,slabs ,
walls and other portion of structure wooden batten is required.The size of
wooden timber, which is mostly used at construction site:-
(1.) 2’’
x 3’’ x 8’
(2.) 3’’
x 4’’ x 8’
(3.) 2’’
x 3’’ x 10’
Method of Sawing of Timber:-
(b.) Radial
(d.)Ordinary Sawing
(e.) Quarter
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Benefits of Seasoning:-
As per condition of the log, the
required size of the wooden specimen with minimum wastage will converted to
timber. The benefits of seasoning is the advantage of seasoning, which is
mentioned above.
Defects in timber:-
(1.) Attack
by fungi
(2.) Attack
by insects
(3.) Natural
(4.) Erroneous
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Defects due to natural forces:-
(1.) Shakes
(2.) Upsets
(3.) Knots
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(4.) Rind galls
(5.) Burls
(6.) Stain
(7.) Wind Cracks
(8.) Dead Wood
(9.) Twisted Fiber
Preservation of Timber:-
Preservation is required for timber for the protection from
fungi, insects etc. The benefits of preservation are following:-
(1.) After
preservation timber will durable.
(2.) After
preservation timber will good looking.
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(1.) Timber
of teak is not required for preservation.
(2.) Medular
rings are a thin circular ring from pith towards the bark.
(3.) Bark
is an outermost protection of cells.
(4.) Cambium
layer is an outermost ring between bark and sapwood.
(5.) Heart
wood is an innermost ring that’s surrounding the pith.
(6.) The
ring of wooden fiber concentric circle around the pith is known as annular
rings. Because annual ring is made in only one in a one year.
(7.) Sap
wood is outer annual rings of the tree that transmit the sap from route to
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Timber related IS Codes:-
(1.) IS
3670-(Construction of timber floors)
(2.) IS 401-(Preservation of timber)
(3.) IS
620-(Wooden tools for general requirements)
(4.) IS
1141-(For seasoning of timber)
(5.) IS
4423-(Hans sawing timber)
(6.) IS
9576-(Guide for mill sawing of timber)
(7.) SP
33-(Handbook for timber engineering)
Thanks for visiting this site.
Written By-
Ritesh Raj
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